Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Worst Ever

I have so many little tid-bits to fill you in on. I've just been SO busy studying for my first grammar test that I could not put finger tips to laptop.

Firstly, THE WORST EVER chinese fast food that I have ever tasted; it was phenomenally bad! Over cooked fried rice, gray tasteless chow mein and over breaded processed chicken balls. Really, really, really bad.

I bought this culinary misadventure at a local city college, just before my last grammar class. I wasn't hungry right at that moment, but I knew I would crash and burn within an hour, making it difficult to learn about prepositional phrases. My choices for nourishment were limp salads, day old sandwiches and pizza, and fast food chinese. It was a lost cause from the beginning.

Can you see this?

I was walking home from Stitch 'n Bitch last Wednesday when I came upon these two little critters right in front of Hubby's old building. Actually, they're more like adolescent raccoons than little babes. When I stopped to get a better look at them, these two scurried behind a five inch diameter tree trunk in a comical effort to hide. They hunched there for a couple of moments, peaking out at me.

There was a little raccoon discussion. Something like this:

'What the hell are we doing?'

'I don't know, but this is ridiculous.'

'Aw, forget it. Let's eat.'

With that they sauntered back to the garbage bag. Big city raccoons are so nonchalant, so unconcerned. I love it!

Third tid-bit:

I'm digging this Belgian beer, Delirium Tremens. Hubby and I have it when we go to a favourite restaurant. It's fruity, sweet, golden goodness. Disappointing that it's not available in stores.

Last tid-bit:

I am really struggling with prepositions and some adverbs. They're tricky little buggers, some of them. Hopefully, I will get unstuck before Tuesday night's test.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

MezzoDiva said...

Feh ... the greasy cuisine chinoise - blech!

You'll get that grammar going on, girlfriend! (Pardon my sorry excuse for a sieve, I mean memory: What language are you tackling?)