Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday studying

Yesterday I was all doom and gloom about struggling with prepositions and adverbs. This morning, after a nutritious breakfast cooked by my sweetie (he regularly spoils me in the food department when he isn't on a full time gig), I sat down and tackled my study blocks once more.

I am feeling much smarter having scored 90% and 100% on some online quizzes! These weren't easy, either. I went about it methodically and applied all the little rules and problem solvers that I've learned over the past few weeks. If those tricks weren't working for me, I just remained calm and went with my gut.

I told Hubby that all I needed was to sleep on it over night and let things percolate a little. Hubby thinks it's the Sunday morning 'exercise', which happened before the nutritious meal, that got my head cleared and confident. 'Exercise' is good for blood flow and stress reduction, so perhaps my brain was better prepared for concentrating afterward.

A couple more hours of this and I will take a crochet break. I haven't picked it up in three days. I am working on cute/cool shopping bags (pattern by Haley) with Super 10 Cotton in nice fall colours. I want to have enough bags for holiday gifts, since the season is approaching. Watch for pictures soon.

Enough procrastinating! Must study or I will not be able to pick up the crochet.

If you try the quiz, let me know your score.

Ta ta for now.

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