Friday, November 24, 2006

Dreadful errands (CAUTION: whiny post)

I have a busy day that is starting out with a massage and chiropractic appointment. Normally I would look forward to these ‘treats’. I think I am dreading what comes after the treats: queuing up to get my driver’s license and health card renewed. I am DREADING the transit, the long (I imagine) queues, feeling hot in my winter layers and likely hungry. If I didn’t have the massage at 10am, I would already be on my way to the Ministry of Transportation office to be the first in line when the door opens.

I have another complaint. I never know what to wear when the weather is like this: cold in the morning and warmish in the afternoon. I have figured out that if I take the fleece lining out of my coat and wear a thinish cardigan under the shell I can hit a nice balance. Leaving my beautiful Joy Ripple scarf at home is probably best too.

Enough whining! I shall charge up the iPod, get my crochet ready (something easy for travel), and grab my grammar book (I’m working on tense agreement and commas) to help me enjoy my torture errands. Perhaps a stop in Kensington Market at Ideal Coffee for a latte will curb my crankiness.

Note about commas: confirming my suspicions, I have learned this week that there is a literary trend toward using fewer commas. For example, it is no longer correct to place a comma before the word ‘too’ (see paragraph #2). I don’t like it. It just feels wrong to me.

Other things I should do today: laundry, buy hook and eye at Fabricland (for the finishing touch on the Luscious Stole!), buy a few groceries. The laundry chore also makes me cranky. We live in a low rise, walk-up apartment. We take our laundry across the street to a nice laundry mat with beautiful front loaders. The heaving back and forth across the street is a huge drag (ha ha). But really, it is a drag and I can’t wait to have a house with our own front loaders. I imagine lovely evenings at home doing laundry in my underwear and slippers. No more heaving across the street. Good for me; too bad for my chiropractor.

I feel like I should balance the universe with a little appreciation of what is good about today. Here goes... I do not have to work; I have Hubby's Metro Pass; I can get around the city on my own; something fun and unexpected could happen while I stand in the torture queues; I can crochet while I wait or sit on the streetcar.

Enough blogging. Must go on a wee search for the paperwork for my dreaded renewal errands and then get out of the house.

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